The Pass Plus course, developed by the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) in conjunction with the insurance industry, is an optional additional training course designed to help newly qualified drivers gain further experience and develop their driving skills.

The course consists of six modules, each covering a different aspect of driving, including town driving, rural driving, night driving, motorway driving, and driving in adverse weather conditions.

The course is typically taken over a period of six to eight weeks, with each module lasting approximately three hours.

The Sustainable Driving School is a comprehensive guide to the Pass Plus course, providing detailed information on each of the six modules.

The manual includes step-by-step instructions, tips, and advice on how to improve driving skills and techniques.

It also includes practice questions and exercises to help drivers prepare for the Pass Plus test.

The Sustainable Driving School is an essential resource for anyone taking the Pass Plus course, and it can also be beneficial for experienced drivers who want to brush up on their skills or learn new techniques.

By completing the Pass Plus course and using the Sustainable Driving School, newly qualified drivers can significantly improve their driving skills and knowledge.

This can lead to a number of benefits, including reduced insurance premiums, fewer penalty points, and a lower risk of being involved in a collision.

The Pass Plus course is a valuable investment in any new driver's safety and future driving career. Sustainable Driving School